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"Der irische Bassbariton setzte feine komische Akzente in den Bewegungen und im stimmlichen Einsatz."

- OnlineMerker, 24th January 2025

Tosca (Staatsoper Stuttgart)

"On y découvre la basse puissante de l'Irlandais Padraic Rowan."

- ResMusica, 29th August 2024

Celestial Music did the Gods Inspire (Les Arts Florissants)

"Padraic Rowan hisse au niveau vocal des interprètes de premier plan de cette production par son timbre dense et sa projection puissante qui se détache dès sa première intervention."

- Olyrix, 25th August 2024

Celestial Music did the Gods Inspire (Les Arts Florissants)

"Padraic Rowan, home from his Deutsche Oper base, impressed in a powerful delivery of 20th century song settings of poems by Oscar Wilde."

- Irish Examiner, 3rd June 2024

Recital (Blackwater Valley Opera Festival)

"Padraic Rowan’s Christus, darkly beautiful: strangely, properly remote yet also approachable."

- Seen and Heard International, 3rd April 2024

Matthäus-Passion (Deutsche Oper Berlin)

"Padraic Rowan war ein vokal wie darstellrisch wendiger Mesner"

- Der Opernfreund, 15th January 2024

Tosca (Deutsche Oper Berlin)

"Mit angenehmem Bariton verlieh der Ire Padraic Rowan dem Dauerleiden des Rochefort sonoren Ausdruck"

- Der Opernfreund, 16th December 2023

Anna Bolena (Deutsche Oper Berlin)

"el llamativo y aterciopelado bajo Padraic Rowan"

- Platea Magazine, 21st June 2023

Celestial Music did the Gods Inspire (Liceu Barcelona)

"Padraic Rowan gewinnt seiner stimmlichen Gestaltung tiefe Dringlichkeit für das Leiden Jesus‘ in eindringlicher Form ab – niemand konnte sich dieser bewegenden Darstellung entziehen."

- Opera Online, 9th May 2023

Matthäus-Passion (Deutsche Oper Berlin)

"The deep, lyrical melancholy of his baritone."

- Bachtrack, 8th May 2023

Matthäus-Passion (Deutsche Oper Berlin)

"Padraic Rowan als Christus strahlt Wärme aus."

- Berliner Zeitung, 6th May 2023

Matthäus-Passion (Deutsche Oper Berlin)

"Wunderschön auch der Bassbariton von Padraic Rowan als Jesus."

- rbb24, 6th May 2023

Matthäus-Passion (Deutsche Oper Berlin)

"Les solistes sont à la hauteur ...Padraic Rowan, basse aux appuis solides, se montrent soucieux de transmettre le texte avec clarté."

Diapason, 13th December 2022

Charpentier Pastorale (Les Arts Florissants)

"Le timbre riche et grave de Padraic Rowan sied au personnage de Jésus qu’il incarne intensément. Il est habité lorsqu’il évoque le grand bouleversement de la Judée au moment de la résurrection, chacune de ses interventions étant accompagnée d’une puissance dramatique."

Olyrix, 30th November 2022

Die Auferstehung und Himmelfahrt Jesu (Paris Philharmonie)

"Mit dramatischer Wirkmacht trat Padraic Rowan als Jesus in den Accompagnati in Erscheinung."

Bachtrack, 20th November 2022

Die Auferstehung und Himmelfahrt Jesu (Concertgebouw)

"Tief beeindruckend Rowan in der Aria 'Sie schallt die Posaun', in der der Sänger seine Tonbreite von hoch bis sehr tief kraftvoll einsetze. Das ging unter die Haut."

- Schwäbische Post, 15th May 2022

Messiah (Philharmonischer Chor Schwäbisch Gmünd)

"Un Jésus au jeu extrêmement émouvant, au chant puissant et même assez inhabituellement véhément."

- ResMusica, 9th May 2022

Matthäus-Passion (Theater Basel)

"It is already clear in the overture that we are going to hear a comedy and the first words of Padraic Rowan's sharply characterized Satyre confirm this impression, without any exaggeration, purely through sound and phrasing."

- Opus Klassiek, January 2022

Platée (Theater an der Wien)

"Padraic Rowan, un moment particulièrement réussi, d'autant plus que la basse propose une belle présence, très dense, des graves très libres y compris lorsqu'il incarne le Grand prêtre."

- Forum Opéra, 31st August 2021

The Indian Queen (Les Arts Florissants)

"une basse ample et profonde"

- Olyrix, 30th August 2021

The Indian Queen (Les Arts Florissants)

"The warm baritone of Padraic Rowan (Momus)."

- La Vanguardia, 6th February 2021

Platée (Gran Teatre del Liceu)

"Donner, lyrically sung by Padraic Rowan."

- Opera Magazine, August 2020

Das Rheingold (Deutsche Oper Berlin)

"Padraic Rowan, a pleasingly lyrical Donner."

- Bachtrack, June 13th 2020

Das Rheingold (Deutsche Oper Berlin)

"...Theseus, in a fine vocal and stage display by Padraic Rowan..."

- Seen and Heard International, January 31st 2020

A Midsummer Night's Dream (Deutsche Oper Berlin)

"...Padraic Rowan as Roucher, singing with a handsome baritone and good resonance."

- Opera Traveller, January 19th 2020

Andrea Chénier (Deutsche Oper Berlin)

"...und vor allem der junge vielversprechende schön timbrierte und kraftvolle Bariton Padraic Rowan in der Rolle des Roucher."

- Online Merker, January 19th 2020

Andrea Chénier (Deutsche Oper Berlin)

"Padraic Rowan, Stipendiat des Förderkreises der Deutschen Oper Berlin e.V., lieferte eine überzeugende Leistung in der Rolle des Oberpriesters des Baal ab."

- Das Opernmagazin, November 23rd 2019

Nabucco (Deutsche Oper Berlin)

"Padraic Rowan (sacristain) s’offre un premier acte aussi désopilant qu’il est exécuté avec naturel : le boitillement, le chiffon pour épousseter les marbres et les tics de l’homme de foi rejoignent une saine voix colorée par le don comique de l’interprète."

- Forum Opera, November 19th 2019

Tosca (Deutsche Oper Berlin)

"« The trumpet shall sound » montre une basse en emphase avec cet air, réussissant un ingénieux mélange entre solennité et exaltation"

- Bachtrack, October 7th 2019

Messiah (Les Arts Florissants)


"La basse Padraic Rowan s’acquitte avec honneur de sa partition et offre une assez belle projection, le chant se montrant tour à tour énergique, comme pour « Why do the Nations », ou plus apaisé voire intérieur"

- Opera Online, October 6th 2019

Messiah (Les Arts Florissants)

"...son timbre grave séduisant, admirable de caractère"

- ConcertoNet, October 3rd 2019

Messiah (Les Arts Florissants)

"Le solide et prometteur baryton basse de Padraic Rowan (Littore, Famigliare di Seneca)"

- Forum Opera, September 12th 2019

L'incoronazione di Poppea (CD) (Salzburger Festspiele)

"...die sehr angenehm timbrierte Stimme von Padraic Rowan als Quinault..."

- Der Opernfreund, September 4th 2019

Adriana Lecouvreur (Deutsche Oper Berlin)

"Als kräftiger im Ton und

durchsetzungsfähiger erwies sich Padraic Rowan's Bass. Das zeigte

sich sowohl zur Arie mit Chor ,,Eilt, ihr angefochtnen Seelen",  zu deren Pulsieren sich auffordernde und deutliche ,,Eilt"-Betonungen gesellten, aber auch ein

melismenreiches ,,Flieht". Schön unterstrich Rowan das Nachfragen zu ,,Mein teurer Heiland, lass dich fragen". Wunderbar leise war das Blühen der

,,Himmelsschlüsselblumen" im Arioso ,,Betrachte, meine Seel"'"

- Hohenloher Tagblatt, April 12th 2019

Johannes-Passion (Stuttgarter Hymnus-Chorknaben)

"Padraic Rowan überraschte mit seinen tiefen voluminösen Tönen. Getragen, eindrucksvoll sein Rezitativ „Er hat sein Volk getröst’“"

- Schwäbische Post, December 9th 2018

Weihnachtsoratorium (Philharmonischer Chor Schwäbisch Gmünd)

"Le baryton Padraic Rowan (excellente présence scénique)..."

- Forum Opéra, August 17th 2018

L'incoronazione di Poppea (Salzburger Festspiele)

"Bass-baritone Padraic Rowan seriously impressed with “Là del ciel nell'arcano profondo” from Rossini’s La Cenerentola; it was frankly disorienting to hear such a rich voice and vivid performance from such a young singer."

- Bachtrack, January 10th 2018

The Big Bang! Gala Concert (Irish National Opera)

"Padraic Rowan aus dem Opernstudio als jugendlich emphatischer Masetto mit präsent und präzise eingesetztem Bassbariton das Publikum auf Anhieb für sich erobert."

- Der Neue Merker, December 2nd 2016

Don Giovanni (Oper Stuttgart)

"A sonorous Colline."

- Opera Magazine, September 2016

La Bohème (Opera Theatre Company)

"An outstanding young bass-baritone."

- Sunday Business Post, July 24th 2016

"Bass-baritone Padraic Rowan showed a solid depth of tone in a touching delivery of Colline's solo fourth act aria."

- The Irish Examiner, May 18th 2016

La Bohème (Opera Theatre Company)

"Padraic Rowan (as Colline) continues to impress - certainly a singer to watch."

- GoldenPlec, May 15th 2016

La Bohème (Opera Theatre Company)

"As the Mandarin, the emerging Irish bass-baritone of Padraic Rowan hinted at future potential."

- Bachtrack, November 1st 2015

Turandot (Northern Ireland Opera)

"...the sonorous Lesbo of the Bass-Baritone Padraic Rowan..."

- Opera Magazine, November 2015

Agrippina (Irish Youth Opera)

"Bass-Baritone Padraic Rowan as Claudio's P.A. Lesbo [was] impressive throughout."

-, September 13th 2015

Agrippina (Irish Youth Opera)

"Padraic Rowan [made an early impression] in two duets revealing a dark-toned, well focused baritone, with marked bass colourations. He also acted convincingly."

- The Belfast Telegraph, September 1st 2014

Festival of Voice Conmpetition Final (Northern Ireland Opera)

"Padraic Rowan, a rich bass-baritone, sang with the most joyous animation and characterisation. I look forward to hearing more of his bass range."

- The Latest, May 2014

Glyndebourne Jerwood Young Artist Recital (Brighton Festival)

"Bass-baritone Padraic Rowan stood out in a small role."

- Opera Magazine, February 2014

Thérèse (Wexford Festival Opera)

"...[T]he surest solo moments from within the chorus came from...baritone Padraic Rowan."

- The Irish Times, June 12th 2012

Orfeo (Opera Theatre Company)

"We can expect to hear more from...Padraic Rowan (hilarious as Somnus)."

- Opera Magazine, April 2012

Semele (Royal Irish Academy of Music)

Padraic Rowan first completed a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations, before graduating from the Royal Irish Academy of Music in 2013 with a Masters in Music Performance, studying with Mary Brennan and Brenda Hurley (répétiteur). Padraic was a member of the Staatsoper Stuttgart Opera Studio for the 2016/17 season and a 2018 laureate of Le Jardin des Voix, the young artist programme of William Christie’s Les Arts Florissants. He joined the Stipendiat Ensemble at Deutsche Oper Berlin in their 2019/20 season, and moved to the Festes Ensemble in August 2020.

A Next Generation Bursary Award recipient from the Arts Council of Ireland, successes include First Prize at the 2016 Les Azuriales Opera International Singing Competition in France, winner of the 2016 Bernadette Greevy Bursary Award and recipient of the 2016 Jim McNaughton/TileStyle Artist's Bursary at the 25th Allianz Business to Arts Awards in Dublin. Padraic made his Wigmore Hall debut in November 2015 as a finalist in the Maureen Lehane Vocal Awards. That same year, he reached the semi-finals of the 34th International Hans Gabor Belvedere Singing Competition in Amsterdam. Further awards include the 2014 Wessex Glyndebourne Award, the Dramatic Cup and Tony Quigley Award and the German Government Cup at the 2013 Feis Ceoil in Dublin, as well as the 2013 Irene Sandford Award for Singers at the RIAM. He is a 2012 alumnus of the Opera Theatre Company Young Associate Artists’ Programme.


Padraic made his Glyndebourne Festival Opera debut as Sailor/Billy Budd in their 2013 season, a role he also sang at the BBC Proms and Brooklyn Academy of Music in New York. Following this, Padraic joined Wexford Festival Opera for their 2013 season as L'Autre Officier/Thérèse and The Regent/The Sleeping Queen. He returned to Glyndebourne Festival Opera and Glyndebourne Touring Opera in 2014 as a Jerwood Young Artist, where he covered Zaretsky/Eugene Onegin and Dottore Grenvil/La traviata. In 2015, he performed First Soldier/Salome and Mandarin/Turandot with Northern Ireland Opera, as well as Lesbo/Agrippina with Irish Youth Opera. Under the direction of Emmanuelle Haïm, Padraic performed arias from Handel as part of the 2015 Académie du Festival d'Aix-en-Provence in France. In 2016, engagements included Colline/La bohème with Opera Theatre Company and Betto di Signa/Gianni Schicchi with Les Azuriales Opera in France.

As a member of the Opera Studio of Staatsoper Stuttgart, his roles included Il Conte di Ceprano/Rigoletto, Masetto/Don Giovanni, Il gran Sacerdote/Nabucco, 5. Jude/Salome, Guide in Venice/Death in Venice and Coriolan/L'écume des jours.

In the 2017/18 season, Padraic toured Europe with Les Arts Florissants, performing An English Garden as a member of Le Jardin des Voix. He also returned to Staatsoper Stuttgart as Narumov/The Queen of Spades, as well as making house and role debuts as Figaro/Le Nozze di Figaro, Alidoro/La Cenerentola, Angelotti/Tosca and Mangiafuoco/Pinocchio at Landestheater Coburg.

Padraic made his Salzburger Festspiele debut in 2018 as Littore, Console I and Famigliare III/L'incoronazione di Poppea. In the 2018/19 season, performances included Prince Yamadori/Madama Butterfly (Staatsoper Stuttgart), Sprecher/Die Zauberflöte (Irish National Opera) and Theseus/A Midsummer Night's Dream (Nevill Holt Opera).

In the 2019/20 season, Padraic performed a number of roles for Deutsche Oper Berlin, Sergeant/Manon Lescaut (Edinburgh International Festivaland toured Europe and Asia singing the Bass solo in Handel's Messiah with Les Arts Florissants.


The 2020/21 season included Momus/Satyre in Platée at Theater an der Wien and Gran Teatre del Liceu.


In the 2021/22 season, Padraic made house and role debuts at Oper LeipzigSemperoper Dresden and Theater Basel, as well as his debut with the Thomanerchor Leipzig.

During 2022/23, Padraic debuted at the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, Versailles Opéra Royal and Konzerthaus Berlin, as well as returned to Oper LeipzigSemperoper Dresden, Teatro del Liceu and Philharmonie de Paris.

In the current season, roles include Dottore Grenvil in La traviata at Semperoper Dresden, as well as concerts in Leipzig, Athens and New York.

2024/25 season highlights include a return to Semperoper Dresden and Irish National Opera, concerts with Les Arts Florissants and the Irish Chamber Orchestra and roles including Papageno and Henry Kissinger at his home house of Deutsche Oper Berlin.




For an up-to-date biography please contact Padraic directly.

© 2025 by Padraic Rowan. All Rights Reserved.

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